佐々木合気道研究所 所長筆記


今日、傘寿を迎えた Today i am 80 years old










Today i am 80 years old

I was able to reach the age of 80 I was hoping for. It's full of joy and gratitude.

The reason why I was particular about 80 years old is that I wanted to become a full-fledged person from 80 years old. In other words, I decided that I wanted to graduate from the old kid with a nose. In my daily life and in my training in Aikido, I want to become a full-fledged adult from a nose-sucking kid.

The next goal of the 80-year-old is to continue writing the Aikido treatise I am writing up to 1000 times.I write once a week (4 volumes), but now it's about 780 times, so there are about 220 times left.There are 50 weeks in a year, so it will take a little over four years.

If I write 1000 times (4000 editions), I will be able to understand Aikido, myself, and the universe to some extent, and I hope that my dissertation and myself will be organized to some extent.