佐々木合気道研究所 所長筆記


第46回日本古武道演武大会 The 46th Japan Kobudo Demonstration Tournament


今年も古武道大会を見に行ってきた。会場は日本武道館。武術 剣術/居合/槍術/薙刀等の古武術35流派による演武があった。今回一番興味深かった演武は「雲弘流剣術」であった。敵がどう打ってこようが敵の中心に打ち込む剣なのである。敵の剣をどうこうするのではなく中心に打ち込むだけなのである。大先生の剣も相手の中心に打ち込む剣であった。


The 46th Japan Kobudo Demonstration Tournament

I went to see the old martial arts tournament again this year. The venue is Nippon Budokan. There were demonstrations of 35 schools of ancient martial arts such as swordsmanship, iai, spearmanship, and naginata. I have seen martial arts demonstrations many times before, but this time I was happy that I could see the demonstration and the performers better. One finding is that performers who are good at walking are also good performers. Poor pedestrians were also poor performers.