佐々木合気道研究所 所長筆記


初詣 First visit of the year to a shrine



三が日が過ぎたので、1月4日に毎年お参りする武蔵一宮氷川神社(写真)に行った。主祭神は、須佐之男命; 奇稲田姫命; 大己貴命であるから、合気道には大いに関係がある神社である。お世話になったはずである。あまり混雑していなかったので、ゆっくりと昨年のお礼と今年もよろしくとお願いしてきた。帰途、体が少し重くなったような気がした。

First visit of the year to a shrine

I went to New Year's shrine visit. Last year was a good year, and it seems that I was indebted to many gods, so I went to hatsumode to thank them. On January 4th, I went to Hikawa Shrine (pictured), which I visit every year. It is a shrine that has a lot to do with Aikido. This god should have taken care of me. It wasn't very crowded, so I slowly thanked God for last year and asked God to take care of me again this year. On the way home, my body felt a little heavy.