佐々木合気道研究所 所長筆記


緊急事態宣下の運動不足解消 Resolving lack of exercise under the emergency of coronavirus






Resolving lack of exercise under the emergency of coronavirus

The dojo was closed due to a state of emergency due to the spread of coronavirus infection, and the rhythm of life up to now was upset. In particular, it has become impossible to practice at the dojo three days a week, and lack of exercise is a problem. Considering how to solve this lack of exercise, I decided to walk because the main thing is not to use my legs. Therefore, I decided to visit the parks and shrines and temples along the Seibu Shinjuku Line, which I always use, once a day. Today, I went to Higashifushimi Inari Shrine, which is about a 10-minute walk from Higashifushimi Station (photo).

After the state of emergency was declared, the places I visited so far were Musashiseki Park in Musashiseki, Higashimurayama Central Park in Higashimurayama, Hachikuniyama in Higashimurayama, and Karabori River in Higashimurayama.

Since it is a countryside, there are not so many visitors and the possibility of infection is low.